
Your ad placement in the magazine

Bankmagazin is the leading independent, professional publication for the banking industry in Germanspeaking countries. The impartial articles on financial management and banking practice reach readers from all three pillars: cooperative institutes, public savings banks and private banks.

Target group

  • Board Members, Managing Directors, Department Heads, Controllers, CIOs, HR, Sales Managers, Branch Managers, Investment and Financial Advisors

Your contact person

Robert Horn

Verkaufsleitung +49 (0) 611.7878 223 robert.horn(at)

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Key figures


(Ø 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024)

Print run: 7,750
ADC: 6,386
Subscriptions: 1,730


10 times a year
(6 times Print/E-Magazin + 4 times E-Magazine with additional digital content)


(according to advertising rate card no. 55
valid from 10/01/2024)

Advertisements: 1/1 b/w: € 4,162
1/1 4-colours: € 6,131
Vacancies: on request

Are you interested in placing an ad?

Use the contact form or send an e-mail to our contact person and be one of the first to receive information.

This ensures an attractive placement for you.

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