Your ad placement in the magazine

WASSERWIRTSCHAFT (Water Management), the specialist magazine for „Water and the Environment“, offers practice-oriented articles and well-founded reports from research and science on the following subjects: hydroelectric power | turbines | small hydroelectric power plants, drinking water | groundwater | inshore waterways, ecology, soil & land, pipes | pumps | fittings | containers, measuring technology / hydromechanics, hydraulics, water engineering | water management, hydrology, and energy. The latest background reports on companies and products round out the range of editorial topics.

Target group

  • As the journal of numerous associations and organisations, WASSERWIRTSCHAFT reaches in particular those decision-makers who are responsible for awarding public contracts

Your contact person

Irene Pitzer

Media Sales +49 (0) 611.7878 196 irene.pitzer(at)springernature.com

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Key figures


(Ø 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024)

Print run: 2,000
ADC: 1,707
Subscriptions: 640


10 times a year


(according to advertising rate card no. 67
valid from 10/01/2024)

Advertisements 1/1 b/w: € 2,119
1/1 4-colours: € 3,119
Vacancies 1/1 b/w: € 2,839

Are you interested in placing an ad?

Use the contact form or send an e-mail to our contact person and be one of the first to receive information.

This ensures an attractive placement for you.

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